E Dekostrukshon di Edsel K.

Teatro Bulabanda


23 September 2023 20:00 t/m

23 September 2023 22:00

Theater aula Habaai (Huize Welgelegen)

A tale about friendship, betrayal and tolerance

Edsel and Kai grow up as best friends in the same neighborhood; it is the greatest friendship in the world. When Kai’s lifeless body turns up one day in the ‘mondi,’ Edsel shows up at the police station to turn himself in, saying he is the one who killed Kai.

During the play Inspector Mendez and the public try to figure out what really happened.

Concept and Director: Silvia Andringa

Playwright: Albert Schoobaar

Actors: Norma Cova, Albert Schoobaar, Christopher Damiana, Suzy Eisden and Sean- Curtis Girigorie

LOCATION: Teatro Aula di Habaai / Huize Welgelegen, a national monument.

Tickets ANG 25.00 per person.
Tickets for sale: Mensing Caminada, Van den Tweel, Sentro di pago yu y Yu, <a href=”http://www.caribbeanticketshop.com” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>www.caribbeanticketshop.com</a>

Teatro Bulabanda

Hòmber di Teater Albert Schoobaar a fundá Teatro Bulabanda pa trese teater di kalidat profeshonal sin miedu di temanan difisil. Nos ke bai skol, sentronan bario i teater tradishonal. Teatro Bulabanda ta krea tambe e próksimo generashon di artista pa ensenario.

Performing Artist Albert Schoobaar founded Teatro Bulabanda ta present theater of high quality not avoiding dificult subjects. We want to take our theater to schools, community centers in the neighbourhoods and in theater spaces. Teatro Bulabanda is also creating the next generation of performing artists.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Teatro-Bulabanda/100057436188737/