Maze de Boer artist talk

Instituto Buena Bista


05 May 2023 19:00 t/m

05 May 2023 21:00

Instituto Buena Bista in co-operation with Ateliers ’89 Punto di Beyas Arte Aruba is proud to announce an artist talk with artist Maze De Boer. De Boer is currently giving a sculpture workshop at Ateliers ’89, and as with many artists before him has agreed to travel to Curacao for a couple of days to hold a presentation for the students at IBB. We decided to not keep De Boer to ourselves and are making the presentation a public one. Join us on Friday the 5th of May 2023 for an interesting talk with De Boer about his work and the apparent self-evidence of our environs. Doors open at 19:00.
This event is free to attend.

Born in Amsterdam (1976) and studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten/Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
As a multidisciplinary artist, de Boer works with sculpture, installation, painting, film/video, photography and music/sound in more than one hundred and fifty solo and group exhibitions in museums, galleries, biennales, public spaces and festivals around the world. As a scenographer, he made more than fifty set/ light/ video designs on location and for theaters in the Netherlands, China, Germany and Belgium.
As a board member, curator, jury member, teacher and designer, he participated in numerous cultural institutions, events, exhibitions and academies (BA and MA).
His work often stems from the historical background, social context of the location or the theme of the exhibition. De Boer’s installations are called site-specific, but he himself sees them as site-responsive. Although the installation originates in a specific location, De Boer aims to create an autonomous work that also retains its power in a different (new) location.
De Boer creates his artworks from a conceptual perspective, but the result is always visually appealing, playful and accessible. They become, as it were, conceptual attractions.
We tend to supplement the visible image with images we know. In de Boer’s work he tries to make the viewer aware of this unconscious habit of filling in missing details.

Instituto Buena Bista

The Instituto Buena Bista, Curacao Center for Contemporary Art, IBB, started in 2006 as an artists initiative with the goal to create a solid platform for art and art education.

As an art institute that offers preparatory training for young talents, the IBB deals with all the aspects of art and art education that make a follow up to an art academy or creative schooling possible. The educational components don’t limit themselves to the students but also cover a broad area of the Curacao and Caribbean art towards the local society. The social engagement and added value of art for the society is also very present in the IBB structure. Being situated on the premises of the Capriles psychiatric clinic is not only a statement of the social engagement of the IBB but also a reflection of the concepts that IBB strives to achieve as well; collaboration, exchange and development.
The clients of the clinic participate on a regular basis together with the students in workshops and classes. This, as part of an initiative by the clinic and the IBB to make the clinic more accessible to the public and to create more insight in the psychiatric world.Projects in public spaces have become a regular activity by the IBB. In these projects the students work together with patients of the clinic, students from other schools or people from organisations that participate in these activities.
The IBB students get a special role where they have to support and guide the participants and at the same time experience responsibility towards their creations and others.
