Workshop Sanne Muis [2]

Farm to Crafts


25 November 2023 08:00 t/m

26 November 2023 13:00

Hofi Cas Cora

We are excited to share that this November, Sanne Muiser will be visiting Farm to Crafts in Curacao. She has a background in product design and followed a shepherd education. Through her studio, Studio Pluis, she specializes in needle felting using natural fibers. She also gives lectures and has exhibited her textile work globally.

We are organising a presentation by Sanne at the Cathedral of Thorns on the 21st of November. This evening, she will tell us about her design research on the relationship between the landscape, the sheep and wool. She will also present her project “Retracing the Coffee Bag,” where she and the rest of her team explored ways to reuse natural fibers from discarded Colombian coffee bags. Next to the presentation, Sanne will conduct two workshops during her stay on Curaçao. The workshops will focus on the utilisation of local natural fibers to explore the creation of textiles and fabrics using needle punching techniques.

You can RSVP to Sanne’s presentation by sending us an email, or a DM on instagram or facebook. To learn more about the workshops and to sign up, please click here.

Farm to Crafts

Farm to Crafts explores the potential for revitalizing small-scale farming of local resources in Curaçao for the development of materials and crafts. The objective of this design research is to reduce the islands dependence on imported products, support local farmers, and strengthen Curaçao’s creative industry.

Farm to Crafts is a project by the Designing Perspectives Foundation, which has the purpose of using design thinking and creative problem solving techniques to drive positive social and cultural change.

Facebook: /FarmtoCrafts
IG: /farmtocrafts