Alma ta kosta. Open Mic
Carrying Narratives
16 December 2024 18:30 t/m
16 December 2024 21:00
parasasa beach, curacao
You are welcome to arrive between 18:30 and 19:00, and we will begin at 19:00 sharp.
We are witnessing gentrification on our island, a destruction of nature and the environment. An exclusion of the lower classes through all the plans to “develop” — privatizing, commodifying, and showcasing our beaches to cater to an exotic ideal for tourists. It is essential to demand something different — so that tomorrow we are not strangers in our own country. Art is a vehicle for protest.
Kargando Narativa, as a literary platform and collective of artists, invites everyone to come and share a dance, poem, rap, song, monologue, story, or memory. Together, our expressions will be a cry of protest against the sale of our land and the restrictions on our access to it. Together, our voices can shake things up and demand change.
The soul is coastal.
-Kargando Narativa Team
Bo ta Bon biní for di 18:30 i 19:00 en punto nos ta kuminsá.
Nos ta mira un gentrifikashon riba nos isla, un destrukshon di naturalesa i medio ambiente. Un eksklushon di klase mas abou atrabes di tur e plannan di “desaroyá” – privatisá, komodifiká i etalá nos lamannan pa komplasé ku un ideal éksotiko dje turista. Tinku eksigí diferente – pa mañan nos no ta stranhero den nos mes país. Arte ta un vehikulo pa protestá. Kargando Narativa komo plataforma literario i kolektivo di artista ta invitá un i tur pa bin kompartí un baile, poema, rèp, kantika, monólogo, kuenta, memoria pa huntu nos ekspreshon ta un gritu di protesta kontr’i e bendementu di nos tera i limitashon na nos akseso. Huntu nos ekspreshon por sakudí i ékssigí diferente.
Alma ta kosta.
-Tim Kargando Narativa
Carrying Narratives
Carrying Narratives is a collective of creative writers, who have revived the literary world in Curaçao. Our mission is to create a literary hub. Creating a community for the various writers in different literary genres. We organize literary events and literary spaces. As pillars of our belief that the literary work should be accessible and dynamic. So far our initiatives have been writing sessions, open mics, performance nights and town halls.