Embracing the past



11 January 2024 09:00 t/m

31 January 2024 19:00

villa maria curacao

This exhibition is offering a distinctive and immersive experience for both locals and tourists. Visitors will step into the shoes of history, feeling and connecting with some of the profound experiences that slaves endured. 6 Short Films, 1 great experience where every short films shows a different aspect of the enslaved people, while you can experience what you see on screen.

Date: January 11 to January 31 2024
Place: Villa Maria
Time: 9 am – 7 pm
Tour starts every 15 minutes and lasts 45 minutes
Closed on Mondays

The Visual artist Rovendley Welvaart born in Curaçao, with love for crafting short films, evolving from a personal passion into a profession that defines him. He studied at the George Brown College in Toronto, Canada, film direction and fashion design. From leading the Kadushi Fashion Show to showcasing at New York Fashion Week 2022 and receiving recognition for his sustainable fashion brand, Extra Wavy. Extra Wavy was also recognized with the “Empresario Futuro Briante” award in 2022. His work, including the award-winning short films ‘Tahit’ and ‘Layo,’ was acknowledged by the Government of Curaçao in 2021.