Opening Exhibition Charlotte Lagro & Graduation Show IBB Students

Instituto Buena Bista


02 May 2024 19:00 t/m

02 May 2024 22:00

Instituto Buena Bista (IBB) presents exclusive Artist Talk and exhibition by Charlotte Lagro, along with Graduation Show

Willemstad – On Thursday, May 2, 2024, Instituto Buena Bista (IBB) proudly presents an exclusive Artist Talk by their current Artist in Residence, Charlotte Lagro.
Following the Artist Talk, IBB warmly invites the public to explore an exhibition showcasing Lagro’s artworks. In addition to the Artist Talk and exhibition, a Graduation Show will also take place on May 2, where several students will present their graduation projects.

Charlotte Lagro creates videos, photos, performances, drawings, and sculptures, often collaborating with other artists. Her work has been exhibited in renowned institutions such as Bonnefanten, LOOP Barcelona, and OCAT Institute. Supported by the Mondriaan Fund, Lagro spent three months as an artist in residence at IBB, collaborating with the students. Her video installation ‘Phantasm’ focuses on the dream worlds of Instituto Buena Bista students.

The exhibition is open to the public until the end of May 2024.
Please note: access to the exhibition is linked to Instituto Buena Bista’s opening hours, from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. On holidays such as Ascension Day, the exhibition will be closed.

Visitors are welcome on May 2, 2024, from 19:00 to 22:00 at IBB, Mohikanenweg 8, for an evening of artistic celebration and inspiration!

Please park at the designated parking area of Capriles Clinic and continue on foot to IBB.

Instituto Buena Bista

The Instituto Buena Bista, Curacao Center for Contemporary Art, IBB, started in 2006 as an artists initiative with the goal to create a solid platform for art and art education.

As an art institute that offers preparatory training for young talents, the IBB deals with all the aspects of art and art education that make a follow up to an art academy or creative schooling possible. The educational components don’t limit themselves to the students but also cover a broad area of the Curacao and Caribbean art towards the local society. The social engagement and added value of art for the society is also very present in the IBB structure. Being situated on the premises of the Capriles psychiatric clinic is not only a statement of the social engagement of the IBB but also a reflection of the concepts that IBB strives to achieve as well; collaboration, exchange and development.
The clients of the clinic participate on a regular basis together with the students in workshops and classes. This, as part of an initiative by the clinic and the IBB to make the clinic more accessible to the public and to create more insight in the psychiatric world.Projects in public spaces have become a regular activity by the IBB. In these projects the students work together with patients of the clinic, students from other schools or people from organisations that participate in these activities.
The IBB students get a special role where they have to support and guide the participants and at the same time experience responsibility towards their creations and others.
