Teatro Bulabanda


04 October 2024 18:00 t/m

04 October 2024 20:00

Sentro di Bario Soto


Teatro Bulabanda ta presenta obra humoristiko tokante nos hendenan den bario den Siman di Kultura

Teatro Bulabanda ta presentá su obra Kisas Kisas Kisas- den kuadro di su proyekto FESTIVAL DI TEATER KRIOYO DI BARIO durante di Siman di Kultura.
E proyekto lo stimulá kreashon i sosten di gruponan di teater krioyo den barionan di Kòrsou i lo kulminá den un Festival di Teater Krioyo Nashonal den luna di Yüni 2025. Teatro Bulabanda lo apoyá i sostené e gruponan di teater ku konosementu i guía den bario.

Bin wak Kisas Kisas,gratis den Siman di Kultura
ku Norma Cova, Maxine Fabian, Asjuani Farrel i Christopher Damiana, dirigí i skibí pa Milushka Birge.

Dadumingu 29 di sèptèmber- 1.00 PM
Teater Aula na Habaai- Huize Welgelegen
Apertura Siman di Kultura

Djaluna 30 di sèptèmber- 7 PM
Plenchi Snek na Boka Sami.

Djamars 1 òktober- 7 PM
Sentro di Bario Otrobanda.

Djarason 2 òktober. 6 – 9 PM
Sentro di Bario Brievengat.

Djaweps 3 òktober. 6 – 9 PM
Plasa Djodjo Corea PUNDA VIBES

Djabièrnè 4 òktober- 6-8 PM
Sentro di Bario Soto

Djasabra 5 òktober 7 PM
Sentro di Bario Montaña

E presentashonnan den Siman di Kultura ta un koperashon entre Teatro Bulabanda i Sektor di Kultura i Deporte di Ministerio di Enseñansa, Sensia, Kultura i Deporte i SEFBA.
Wak e trailer aki!



Teatro Bulabanda presents a comedic play about our people in the neighborhood during Culture Week.

Teatro Bulabanda will present its play Kisas Kisas Kisas as part of its project FESTIVAL OF LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD THEATER during Culture Week. This project will encourage the creation and sustainability of local theater groups in the neighborhoods of Curaçao, culminating in a National Festival of Local Theater in June 2025. Teatro Bulabanda will support and guide these neighborhood theater groups with knowledge and direction.

Come watch Kisas Kisas Kisas, free of charge during Culture Week, featuring Norma Cova, Maxine Fabian, Asjuani Farrel, and Christopher Damiana, directed and written by Milushka Birge.

Performance Schedule:

Sunday, September 29 – 13:00
Theater Aula at Habaai – Huize Welgelegen
Opening of Culture Week

Monday, September 30 – 19:00
Plenchi Snek at Boka Sami

Tuesday, October 1 – 19:00
Otrobanda Sentro di Bario

Wednesday, October 2 – 18:00 to 21:00
Brievengat Sentro di Bario

Thursday, October 3 – 18:00 to 21:00
Djodjo Corea Square, PUNDA VIBES

Friday, October 4 – 18:00 to 20:00
Soto Sentro di Bario

Saturday, October 5 – 19:00
Montaña Sentro di Bario

The performances during Culture Week are a collaboration between Teatro Bulabanda and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, and SEFBA.

Watch the trailer here:

Teatro Bulabanda

Hòmber di Teater Albert Schoobaar a fundá Teatro Bulabanda pa trese teater di kalidat profeshonal sin miedu di temanan difisil. Nos ke bai skol, sentronan bario i teater tradishonal. Teatro Bulabanda ta krea tambe e próksimo generashon di artista pa ensenario.

Performing Artist Albert Schoobaar founded Teatro Bulabanda ta present theater of high quality not avoiding dificult subjects. We want to take our theater to schools, community centers in the neighbourhoods and in theater spaces. Teatro Bulabanda is also creating the next generation of performing artists.
