Open House at Teatro Bulabanda

Teatro Bulabanda


30 March 2024 09:30 t/m

30 March 2024 14:00

March 27th is World Theatre Day. To mark the occasion, Teatro Bulabanda invites everyone to an Open House on Saturday, March 30th at Casa Moderna.

Teatro Bulabanda believes in Theatre as a tool for a better Curacao. And for that reason, we want to involve everyone in this endeavor. Dramatic art, movement, and proper use of voice are important aspects of this.

But equally important is what you have to say! Near Teatro Bulabanda, we believe everyone has something to say, and we want to provide the opportunity for it.

Even the youth who are part of our Theatre House, every year they have space to express what they have to say.

But you too. That’s why this Saturday we are opening our doors, so you can see firsthand how we work. Albert Schoobaar, Milushka Birge, and Norma Cova will work on dramatic movement and acting, Vali Leonora will get everyone moving to the rhythm, and Vesuhely Americaan will guide us in the process of putting what you have to say on paper.

You are welcome to the Open House,
Saturday, March 30th at Casa Moderna, Madurostraat 60 in Punda.
From 09:30 in the morning until 14:00 in the afternoon.
Admission is free.

Dia 27 di Mart ta Dia Mundial di Teater. Pa para ketu na e dia aki, Teatro Bulabanda ta invita tur hende na un Open House Djasabra 30 di Mart na Casa Moderna.

Teatro Bulabanda ta kere den Teater komo arma pa un Miho Kòrsou. Anto pa esei, nos ke inboluktrá tur hende den e empeño aki. Arte dramatiko, moveshon i bon uso di bos ta kosnan importante den esaki. 

Pero mesun importante ta kiko bo tin di bisa! 
Serka Teatro Bulabanda, nos ta kere ku tur hende tin un kos di bisa i nos ke duna e oportunidat pa esaki.
Tambe e hobénnan k uta forma parti di nos Kas di Teater, tah aña espasio pa bisa loke nan tin di bisa.

Pero abo tambe. Pesei djasabra aki nos ta habri nos kas, pa bin wak di paden kon nos ta traha. Albert Schoobaar, Milushka Birge i Norma Cova lo traha riba moveshon dramatiko i aktuashon, Vali Leonora lo laga tur hende move nan kurpa riba ritmo i Vesuhely Americaan lo guía nos den e proseso di pone loke bo tin di bisa riba papel.

Bo ta bon biní na na Open House,
Djasabra 30 di Mart na Casa Moderna, Madurostraat 60 na Punda.

Orario di 9.30 mainta te ku 2or di merdia. 

Entrada ta gratis.

Teatro Bulabanda

Hòmber di Teater Albert Schoobaar a fundá Teatro Bulabanda pa trese teater di kalidat profeshonal sin miedu di temanan difisil. Nos ke bai skol, sentronan bario i teater tradishonal. Teatro Bulabanda ta krea tambe e próksimo generashon di artista pa ensenario.

Performing Artist Albert Schoobaar founded Teatro Bulabanda ta present theater of high quality not avoiding dificult subjects. We want to take our theater to schools, community centers in the neighbourhoods and in theater spaces. Teatro Bulabanda is also creating the next generation of performing artists.
